6 mistakes to avoid when laying artificial grass

6 mistakes to avoid when laying artificial grass

- Categories : Actualities - Reading time : min

Laying artificial grass may seem straightforward, but to avoid making mistakes, certain steps must be followed. All too often, installation errors lead to problems such as drainage problems, uneven surfaces or a lawn that doesn't last. Worst of all ? an aesthetic result that doesn't live up to your expectations. Discover the 6 mistakes to avoid when laying artificial grass.

Summary : 

1. 1st mistake : I didn't level my floor
2. 2nd mistake : I haven't protected my soil
3. 3rd mistake : My rolls of artificial grass are not installed in the same direction.
4. 4th mistake : I haven't secured my grass
5. 5th mistake : I never brush my artificial grass
6. 6th mistake : I haven't chosen the right grass for my project

1st mistake : I didn't level my floor

Failure to level the ground is one of the first mistakes to avoid. Why not ? Because laying artificial grass on an uneven surface can create discomfort when walking on it, such as hollows or bumps. It will also detract from the appearance of your artificial lawn. To guarantee impeccable results, it's important to prepare the ground carefully beforehand, on both hard and soft ground.

Start by removing all stones, roots and debris from the surface. Then, if necessary, use a shovel to even out the ground, adding or removing soil if you need to level it. Once the soil is level, compact it well to create a solid base. Adding a 5-10 cm layer of compacted sand or gravel is optional, and will further stabilize the surface if your loose soil is very uneven.

If you neglect to level the ground properly, you risk compromising the durability and appearance of your synthetic lawn. So take the time to prepare the ground properly to ensure a successful, long-lasting installation.

Artificial grass in the garden

2nd mistake : I didn't protect my floor

On loose soil, it's not uncommon for weeds to grow back, and in the long term, they can grow right through your fake lawn. Imagine the damage and discomfort they can cause ! Weeds have a major impact on the upkeep and appearance of your artificial lawn, and it's ridiculous to mow it. To avoid this mistake and protect your soil, we strongly recommend installing geotextile before laying your turf. This easy-to-install protective layer will keep your artificial grass intact for many years to come.

Geotextile also helps stabilize the base of your lawn. It's easy to install : there's no particular way to lay your geotextile. Just make sure the entire surface is covered, unroll it and then lay your lawn on top. There's no need to fasten your geotextile ; you can simply fasten it together to complete the installation.

At Exelgreen, our geotextile can cover up to 60 m2 at a time, weighs 120g/m2 and will promote good drainage of rainwater.

Artificial grass and plants on a terrace

3rd mistake : My rolls of artificial grass are not installed in the same direction.

A common but often overlooked mistake when laying your artificial grass is not to align the rolls in the same direction. Installing artificial grass rolls in different directions, even on L- or U-shaped ground, can create highly visible variations in color and texture, making your artificial grass look very unsightly. When laying, the strands must be oriented in the same direction for each strip of grass you lay.

Unroll your rolls from the point where you will be looking at your surface the most. Once unrolled, the flattened blades will point towards you. This ensures a uniform color, a consistent result across the entire surface of your artificial lawn. Once correctly aligned, glue the edges together using a pre-glued joining strip. Available in 3m or 10m widths, these strips stick to one side only, making it easy to create virtually invisible seams.

If you wish, you can also apply a border to make them disappear completely. Laying your rolls in the same direction will also facilitate brushing and lawn maintenance. 

Artificial grass in the garden

4th mistake : I haven't fixed my lawn

Without proper fastening, your turf risks shifting, lifting or wrinkling, especially in strong winds or heavy use. We strongly recommend that you avoid this mistake and secure your artificial grass. What's more, remember that artificial grass has a lifespan of around ten years, so it would be a shame not to fix it for long-term peace of mind.

To fix it, we advise you to adapt your accessories to your soil type. Fixing accessories should be placed around the entire perimeter. On a hard floor, use fixing patches, double-sided tape or resin. Please note that this fixing is permanent. On soft ground, you can use grappling hooks or staples. All fasteners are placed around the edge of your lawn, one per metre.

Note that proper fastening also helps prevent tripping hazards and ensures a safe, stable surface for walking, running and playing. Failure to fasten your turf correctly can result in additional costs for frequent repairs or adjustments, and reduce the lifespan of your installation.

Artificial grass in a small garden

5th mistake : I never brush my artificial lawn

Never brushing your artificial grass is not a good idea. Although artificial grass requires very little maintenance, it is important to brush it from time to time to maintain its original appearance or to clean it.

To maintain a natural look, we recommend brushing your grass whenever you feel it's necessary. The frequency of brushing will depend on the frequency of use. Rest assured, in general, brushing once a year is enough to maintain a beautiful lawn.

Brushing your artificial grass helps to straighten the blades, especially in high-traffic areas where they can settle. Use a stiff bristle brush, such as a road sweeper, or an electric brush, and brush in the opposite direction to the blades. This will restore volume and density to your artificial grass.

Artificial grass under garden furniture

6th mistake : I didn't choose the right artificial grass for my project

There are many models of synthetic grass, so it's important to take the time to choose the one that best suits your project. Choosing a lawn that's too tall could require a little maintenance, while one that's too short may not meet your expectations.

In fact, when choosing a lawn, there are several criteria to consider. First of all, how will it be used ? Are you going to trample it a lot, or is it a space for relaxation ?  What type of flooring do you have ? These initial questions will give you an idea of the resilience of the turf and the useful accessories you'll need. Next, what kind of UV guarantee do you want? 6, 8 or 10 years ? What color do you prefer? And how big is your surface ?

This information will help you make the right choice, as we offer artificial grass that's a little lighter and a little darker, as well as artificial grass that's more or less realistic, depending on the shape of the strands and their composition. The number of m2 to be covered will also guide you in your choice of turf. We offer cut-to-size models or pre-cut rolls, perfectly suited to small surfaces.

Artificial grass around a swimming pool

When laying or choosing your artificial grass, many mistakes can be avoided by following a few simple tips. Prepare your ground, pay attention to the direction of installation and use the right accessories, and you'll get the best results!  Find out more about our artificial grass products and choose the model best suited to your project !

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